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Airbus A319

No. Of Engines:2
Aircraft Type:Jets
Passenger Capacity (Max):125
Range (in Miles):3,000
Takeoff Weight (in Lbs):70,000
Body Type:
Cabin Type:pressurized

The A320 program, launched in March 1984 in anticipation of the airlines' fleet expansion, marked Airbus Industrie's entry into the single aisle aircraft market. In 1988 the first A320s entered service with Air France and British Caledonian Airways and today they have become Airbus Industrie's best selling aircraft, with more than 760 on order. The A319, a shortened fuselage version of the popular A320, entered service with Swissair in early 1996. Other operators of the A319 include United Airlines, Air Canada, Lufthansa, and Air Inter.

Airbus Industrie was formed in 1970 as a multinational effort between Germany, England and France to create a high-capacity twin-jet transport (this developed into the A300). Today Airbus Industrie has become the world's second largest manufacturer of civil airliners which seat over 100 passengers. In it's first 25 years Airbus has sold over 2,100 aircraft, with more than 1400 in service worldwide. The consortium is headquartered in southwest France near the city of Toulouse and owned by Europe's four leading aerospace companies (Aerospatiale of France, Daimler-Benz Aerospace Airbus of Germany, British Aerospace, and Casa of Spain).

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