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Boeing 757-200

No. Of Engines:2
Aircraft Type:Jet
Passenger Capacity (Max):239
Passenger Capacity (Min):188
Range (in Miles):4500
Cruising Speed (MPH):475
Payload Capacity (in Lbs):38,940
Takeoff Weight (in Lbs):220,000
Body Type:
Cabin Type:pressurized

Boeing delivered the first 757 to Eastern Airlines in December of 1982. Due to its demonstrated reliability, the 757, a member of the midsized 757/767 family of Boeing aircraft, was FAA approved for 120-minute extended range twin engine operation in 1986. By mid- 1992, all 757-200s were approved for 180-minute operation. The 757-200 has become known for exceptional fuel effeciency, low noise levels, and its versatility in flying both short and long range routes, thus making it particularly effective in "hub-and-spoke" planning. Through June of 1996, 830 757s had been ordered by 47 airlines from 21 different countries and the fleet had carried over 703 million passengers for more than 12.8 million hours of service.

William E. Boeing produced his fist two B&Ws (a single- engine seaplane) in 1916 and the following year, the U.S. Navy ordered 50 of Boeings next model (the two- seat model C trainer)to serve in in World War I. Boeing continued to make airplanes, both commercial and military, producing such famous models as the Pan American "Clipper" flying boat and the "Stratoliner" (first pressurized cabin). became an integral part of the allied effort by building the B-17 and B29 bombers.

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