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Boeing Canada Dash-7

No. Of Engines:4
Aircraft Type:Turbo Prop
Passenger Capacity (Max):54
Range (in Miles):850
Cruising Speed (MPH):275
Payload Capacity (in Lbs):15,000
Takeoff Weight (in Lbs):44,000
Cabin Type:pressurized

The Dash 7, which entered service in 1978, is a short- to-medium-range, four engine, high-wing transport. A cargo door was added to the original Dash 7-102 series to create the 103 series. The aircraft was further modified to create the 110 and 111-(cargo door) series, and finally the 150 and 151-(cargo door) series.

The Dash-7 was made by the DeHavilland company of Canada.

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