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British Aerospace Jetstream 41

No. Of Engines:2
Aircraft Type:Turboprop
Passenger Capacity (Max):29
Range (in Miles):860
Cruising Speed (MPH):337
Payload Capacity (in Lbs):7,240
Takeoff Weight (in Lbs):24,000
Cabin Type:pressurized

Over half the Jetstream 41s delivered to date operate in North America, servicing such hub airports as Washington Dulles and St. Louis. Since its introduction in 1989, the J41 has possessed almost 22% of the world market for 20 to 40 seat turbo-prop airliners.

Aero International (Regional), or AI(R), is a joint venture between Aerospatiale (of France), Alenia (of Italy), and British Aerospace. Within AI(R), which is based in the French city of Toulouse, the parent companies have merged the marketing, sales, customer support, and product development activities of the Aeropatiale-Alenia ATR programme and two British Aerospace companies, Avro International Aerospace and Jetstream Aircraft.

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